Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund Employer Digest
November 30, 2013
In This Issue
Coffee for Dick DeCleene
Don't forget to vote!
Questions about Affordable Care Act?
Resignations of disabled IMRF members
Quick Links

IMRF Chief Financial Officer Dick DeCleene will be retiring at the end of 2013.
IMRF will host a Coffee for Dick DeCleene on Friday, December 20, 2013 from 1:30 p.m. To 3:00 p.m. in the IMRF Boardroom, 2211 York Road, Oak Brook, Illinois.
Please join us as we congratulate Dick and wish him well in retirement. If you plan to attend, please click on the link below:

Yes, I will attend. 

Don't forget to vote!

Executive Trustee Election ballots due back by December 12, 2013  

This fall, IMRF employers will elect one Executive Trustee for a five-year term of office. Ballot packets were mailed on October 17, 2013, to your Employers' Authorized Agents or Governing Bodies, depending upon voting authority.

Don't forget to vote and return your ballot to IMRF!

Questions about the Affordable Care Act?

IMRF's endorsed Health plan consultant, Doyle Rowe LTD, has insurance specialists to help IMRF retirees and members planning for retirement review their health plan options, including new possibilities offered under the Affordable Care Act.

Contact Doyle Rowe LTD online by visiting or by calling 1-800-564-7227.

Resignations of disabled IMRF members  

Before resigning from IMRF employment, your members must understand how it could affect their disability benefits.

You should advise any member receiving disability benefits to call IMRF before resigning from IMRF employment.

Calling us first is important because the disability rules are complex. Making an uninformed decision could hurt a member in the long run.

In general:
  • If a disabled member resigns voluntarily, disability benefits stop.
  • If an employer terminates the employment of a disabled member, disability benefits continue.
There are certain instances where these general rules do not apply, which is why disabled members must call IMRF whenever considering resignation.

You can read more-including explanations of special situations for disabled members-in the full November 2013 Reminder.  

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